Center Programs

Farm Finance Family
University of Tennessee Extension

The MANAGE Program

MANAGE was designed specifically to help Tennessee farm families carefully evaluate their individual situation and assist them in improving their quality of life. The MANAGE program is conducted by University of Tennessee Extension. More than 15,000 Tennessee farm families have participated in the intensive farm and financial planning phase of MANAGE.

Learn more about the MANAGE Program

UT Tax Seminar Logo

Income Tax Seminars

Each year The University of Tennessee Extension, in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service and Tennessee Farm Bureau, sponsor tax seminars at various locations throughout Tennessee. The instruction is directed toward tax professionals who prepare and file tax returns for farm and non-farm businesses, and individuals.

Learn more about the next Income Tax Seminars

UT Master Farm Manager logo

Master Farm Manager

Create a strong business foundation to make better decisions for your farm’s future!

The Tennessee Master Farm Manager focuses on solid business principals to help you better manage your operation. We will focus on helping you utilize resources on your farm efficiently.

Learn more about the Master Farm Manager program.

UT Farming Fundamentals program logo

Farming Fundamentals

The UT Farming Fundamentals educational program is an online resource focusing on producers who are beginning a new venture in agriculture. This program will include resources and information on the essential principles needed to build a successful operation.

Learn more about the Farming Fundamentals program.

Farm family standing in field

Farm Transition Planning

The Tennessee Farmland Legacy Partnership seeks to raise awareness among farmers and other landowners, government officials including community planning and zoning officials, developers, business and civic leaders, media and citizens as to the values, needs and opportunities for farmland preservation in the state. 

Visit the Farmland Legacy website.

Tennessee AgVols

AgVOLs Veterans in Ag

The Tennessee AgVets Opportunities on FarmLand (TN AgVOLs) Program is a partnership of TN agricultural service providers. We aim to increase the participation of transitioning service members (TSM) and veterans into agriculture.

Learn more about the AgVols program.