Farm Management During Uncertain Times

Town Hall Meeting – August 9, 2022


Aflatoxins in Corn by University of Missouri Extension

USDA Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool

Town Hall Meeting – August 11, 2022

Navigating Inflation and Family Living Expenses

Moderator: Tori Marshall
Panelists: Kevin Ferguson, Dallas Manning, and Aaron Smith

Considerations for Drought Stressed Corn and Soybeans

Moderator: Tori Marshall
Panelists: David Bilderback, Les Humpal, and Katie Mason

Emergency Culling Strategies for Dairy Cattle

Speakers: Liz Eckelkamp and David Bilderback

Emergency Culling Strategies for Beef Cattle

Moderator: Ty Wolaver
Panelists: Andrew Griffith and Troy Rowan

Impacts of Rising Interest Rates

Moderator: Ty Wolaver
Panelists: Charlie Martinez and Aaron Smith

Crop Marketing Strategies During Drought

Speaker: Aaron Smith and Tori Marshall

Tax Implications and Lender Relationships

Moderator: Tori Marshall
Panelists: Kevin Ferguson and Alan Galloway

Understanding and Managing Stress

Moderator: Ty Wolaver
Panelists: Kevin Ferguson and Heather Sedges


David Bilderback Profile Page
David Bilderback
Extension Specialist I | Agricultural and Resource Economics
Liz Eckelkamp Profile Page
Liz Eckelkamp
Associate Professor | Animal Science
Tori Marshall Griffin Profile Page
Tori Marshall Griffin
Extension Specialist I | Agricultural and Resource Economics
Andrew Griffith Profile Page
Andrew Griffith
Professor | Agricultural and Resource Economics
Lester Allen Humpal Profile Page
Lester Allen Humpal
Extension Specialist I | Agricultural and Resource Economics
Charles Martinez Profile Page
Charles Martinez
Assistant Professor | Agricultural and Resource Economics
Katie Mason Profile Page
Katie Mason
Assistant Professor | Animal Science
Troy Rowan Profile Page
Troy Rowan
Assistant Professor-Beef Cattle Genomics | Animal Science
Heather Sedges Profile Page
Heather Sedges
Associate Professor | Family and Consumer Sciences
Aaron Smith Profile Page
Aaron Smith
Professor | Agricultural and Resource Economics
Ty Wolaver Profile Page
Ty Wolaver
Extension Specialist I | Agricultural and Resource Economics