Financial Decision-Aid Tools

Balance Sheet

Monitoring the financial benchmarks of a business can assist owners and managers navigate business decisions that will contribute to the financial soundness of the operation. The Balance Sheet template was designed specifically for producers looking for a simplified means of tracking financial progress on their operations.

This Balance Sheet template will focus on four primary measurements of the business: the current ratio, debt-to-asset ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and working capital. Utilizing colored scale indicators, producers can visually see where their operation measures. The financial benchmark indicators are based on industry standards.

The Excel tool has two versions included in the workbook. There is an “Excel use” version and a “print-only” version. The Excel use will utilize formulas to automatically calculate benchmark ratios and category totals, whereas the print only will have to be manually calculated. Both versions should result in the same findings.

Download Balance Sheet

Released March 2024

For additional information, contact Logan Meeks,

Income Statement

Tracking income and expenses in any business is essential in understanding the profitability of an operation. This is especially the case in the row-crop and livestock industry as we are experiencing high volatility in many expenses and commodity prices.

The Income statement Excel tool is designed to help producers with two areas of financial measures: record business income, expenses, and net income and project future production scenarios tailored to the operation under review. The projection tab will utilize UTIA’s most recent budget publications for future projections if “use UT budgets for expenses” is selected at the top of the page. Producers who have entered their operation’s actual expenses throughout the workbook can opt to use their actual operation expenses as well.

Download Income Statement

Released October 2024

For additional information, contact Logan Meeks,

Note Regarding Security Settings: These decision-aid files contains macros (examples: buttons for printing and moving from the intro page to the calculator) which are required for the calculator to function properly. Security settings for Microsoft Office or Excel may give you warnings when you open the file regarding the safety of enabling the macros. This will especially be true if your security settings are set to high or very high. The macros in the file must be enabled for the calculator to function properly.